Dear Patients,
Welcome to Art of Dental Care.
You can learn more about our special quality concept and the pleasant atmosphere of our dental practice in the heart of Frankfurt – close to the Alte Oper, the Hauptwache and the "Fressgass" – on our website. Our dental focus is on quality, sustainable treatment success and maintaining your oral health.
Let us take care of your dental health and work together to develop a treatment that is tailored exactly to your needs.
We look forward to your visit.
Your dentist Dr. Johanna Klockenkämper and the dental team
Dental check-ups and treatments are always important to maintain your oral health, even and especially in times of the Corona pandemic. Therefore, you should not postpone a routine visit to our dental surgery.
With regular preventive care, you can do a lot for the health of your teeth and gums. Prevention is always better than cure! In addition, a healthy mouth is important for your overall health. It has been scientifically proven that inflammatory process in the mouth, so-called parodontitis, are associated with risks to the cardiovascular system and can cause kidney or lung diseases as well as diabetes. Therefore, a visit to the dentist should always be seen as a measure to strengthen the immune system. Irrespective of this, we may be able to recognise the need for treatment at an early stage in order to avoid greater consequential damage.
Since we, as a dental practice, have always complied with very high standards of hygiene, there is an extremely low risk of infection in our surgery. So you do not need to be afraid of catching corona at the dentist. We take precautions and care for your health – not just your teeth.
- You can wash and disinfect your hands when you enter the surgery.
- We deliberately schedule patients so that there are minimal contact points with other patients.
- We regularly carry out disinfection measures in the waiting rooms and at all contact points (door handles, etc.) there are no magazines or drinks in the waiting rooms.
- We carry out regular and thorough ventilation and air purification in the treatment rooms.
We always wear a mouth guard, protective goggles and gloves. That goes without saying for us.
What we do as a surgery as a whole:
- We train our staff in the use of all hygiene measures.
- We constantly monitor our hygiene standards.
- We always wash our hands before and after every treatment.
- We also carry out disinfection measures before each new patient contact.
- Instruments/materials with the patients used: We are well trained in the complete hygiene chain - with the
- patients as well as in the handling and preparation of all materials.
- We guarantee the highest level of safety for your treatment, using all these measures.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Your practise team
PS: For technical or medical information, we refer you to the pages of the Robert Koch Institute and the Federal Ministry of Health